Remote Viewing Interface

Configuring Recording Parameters

To configure system recording parameters:1Click the Remote Setting tab, and then click Record>Rec Parameters.

2Configure the following:

Channel: Select the channel you wish to configure.

Record: Select Enable or Disable to start or stop system recording.

Pack Duration:Selectthedurationofeachsavedfileonthesystem.Forexample,ifyouselect 15 minutes, then every file will contain 15 minutes of footage.

Pre-record: Select whether to enable or disable pre-recording.

3Click Save to apply your settings.

Configuring the Recording Schedule

To configure the recording schedule:

1Click the Remote Setting tab, and then click Record>Schedule.

2Configure the following:

Channel drop-down menu: Select the channel you wish to configure.

Week: Select the day of the week you would like to apply the settings to.

The recording schedule is arranged as a grid. Each row represents a recording type (Continuous, Motion, and Alarm), and each box represents an hour.