Note: Not all devices detected by the Configuration Utility can be controlled by the BIOS. Devices such as tape drives and scanners require that a device driver specific to that peripheral be loaded. The BIOS Configuration Utility does allow parameters to be modified for these devices.

3.1.3 Using the Intel BIOS Configuration Utility

This section provides the menu formats and user inputs available to inform users about this utility prior to running it. All BIOS Configuration Utility screens that display various menus are partitioned into fixed areas. This area provides static general help text information. Main Menu

When you invoke the LSI Logic Intel BIOS Configuration Utility, the Main menu appears. This screen displays a scrolling list of up to 256 host adapters in the system and information about each of them.

To select an adapter, use only the arrow keys and enter key. Then, press Enter to view and modify the selected adapter’s properties (and to gain access to the attached devices). After selecting an adapter and pressing Enter, the FC Link bus is scanned and the Adapter Properties screen appears.

On the Main menu, two selections are the Boot Adapter List and Global Properties menus.

Boot Adapter List allows selection and ordering of boot adapters. Refer to Section, “Boot Adapter List Menu,” page 3-5for more detailed information.

Global Properties allows changes to global scope settings. Refer to Section, “Global Properties Menu,” page 3-5for more detailed information.

Only adapters with LSI Logic Control enabled can be accessed. Adapter Properties Menu

The Adapter Properties menu allows you to view and modify adapter settings. It also provides access to an adapter's device settings. To

BIOS Features


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