Most recipes provide minimum and maximum baking times such as "bake
Always use the pan size recommended in the recipe. Many pans have the mea- surements marked on them. If there are no measurements, measure inside width and length of the pan.
Frozen pies in foil pans should be placed on pans with dark or dull fin- ishes for baking. The shiny foil pan reflects heat away from the pie de- creasing browning while the dark pan helps absorb the heat and improves bottom browning.
The correct rack position depends on
the kind of food and the browning desired. As a general rule, center the rack in the middle ofthe oven. Iffood is placed on a rack toward the top of
the oven, top browning may be too dark. If food is placed on a rack lo-
cated near the bottom of the oven, the food may be too dark on the bottom. Refer to the User'sGuide for specific
rack positions,
Cookies baked in pans with short sides all around may result in lighter top browning or uneven top browning. For best results select cookie sheets with- out sides.
When baking foods in one pan, place pan in the center of the oven rack.
When baking in more than one pan, allow one to two inches between the
pans and the edge of the pan(s) and the oven walls.
If baking on more than one rack, stag- ger the pans so one pan is not directly over another pan.
Do not crowd a rack with pans. Never place more than one
Do not place pans directly on the oven bottom.