Interior Comfort
Audio System
Display scroll
Only 8 characters (File name) or 12 characters (Except file name) can be displayed at one time. To display the rest of the characters of a long title, press the
scroll button ( ). The display scrolls the next 12 characters. Press the scroll
button ( ) again after the last 12 characters have been displayed to return to the beginning of the title.
The displayable number of characters is limited. If the number of characters, including the file extension (.mp3/.wma), exceeds 64 characters, it may not be fully displayed.
Message display
If there is a
“CHECK CD” is displayed repeatedly. Turn the audio unit on again, check the CD for damage, soiling or whether the CD has been inserted upside down, and then properly reinsert it. If the message reappears, have the unit inspected by an Authorized Mazda Dealer.
qOperating the Auxiliary jack
You can connect portable audio units, such as an MP3 player or similar products on the market, to the auxiliary jack to listen to music or audio over the vehicle's speakers. Refer to Auxiliary Input (page