1-1. Computer printing problems
Num- | Symptom | Possible Cause |
| Remedy | Description |
ber |
| ||||
| |
| |
1 | The printing | The application | Check the instruc- | Depending on the soft- | |
| position does | paper and print set- | tion manual for the | ware, if the settings are | |
| not match | tings are incorrectly | application, and | incorrect, even by a small | |
| the previ- | specified. | then correctly | amount, the printing posi- | |
| ously used |
| specify the set- | tion may be shifted. | |
| printer. |
| tings. |
| |
| |
| The paper that is | Refer to “Paper | With this unit, paper is fed | |
| being used does not | Tab” in the Printer | by the friction of rollers. | |
| meet the specifica- | Controller User | Due to this, there may be | |
| tions for the printer. | Manual, and then | slight errors in the hori- | |
| check the paper. | zontal and vertical direc- | |
| tions. These errors differ |
| depending on the paper. |
| |
2 | Only some of | The binding margin | Check the print |
| |
| the pages | is incorrect. | area. |
| |
| were printed, |
| or the data |
| for one page |
| was printed |
| on two |
| pages. |
3 | The left side | The paper position | • | Correctly load |
| of the page is | shifted. |
| the paper. |
| blank. (The |
| • | Check the mar- |
| text is only |
| gin settings |
| printed on |
| specified in the |
| the right side |
| application. |
| of the paper.) |
| |
4 | Text different | The printer is not set | Specify the appro- |
| |
| from the text | to the settings most | priate printer set- |
| |
| in the screen | appropriate for the | tings. |
| |
| was printed. | computer environ- |
| ment. |
| |
| The interface cable | Check that the |
| |
| is not correctly con- | cable is correctly |
| |
| nected. | connected to the |
| |
| copier and the |
| |
| computer. |
| |
| |
| A printer buffer or a | Change the con- |
| |
| switch is being used. | nections so that a |
| |
| printer buffer and |
| |
| switch is not being |
| |
| used. |
| |