Mitel NuPoint Messenger Technical Documentation - Release 7.0
3 Sales 300 150 8 %
4 Eng 400 200 11 %
5 Exec 100 50 3 %
6 Mktg 200 100 5 %
Reading the Group Usage Summary Report
The Group Usage Summary Report (see sample in Figure 12-3) displays the line groups by
number, then gives the total seconds, the total number of times and the total percentage of time,
that an ATB condition occurred in that line group for the entire period reported. This report is
much less specific than the standard report, but it allows the server administrator to see at a
glance which line group received the most traffic for the specified time interval. In addition, by
comparing the ATB count with the ATB seconds count, the server administrator can determine
the average duration of the ATB condition during this period, for each line group.
Line Group Usage Report
This report shows the number of seconds during which individual ports in a line group were busy,
and how many calls each port received, over a specified reporting period. The server
administrator can choose to display the data for a single group, or for a range of group numbers.
The reporting period can be any hour, or range of hours, from the current day or portions of the
most recent seven days. The server administrator can choose to run either a full report, which
gives the statistics in 15-minute increments for each hour of the reporting period, or a summary
report, which shows the average line group usage for each hour. Figure 12-4 shows Sample
Standard Line Group Usage Report.
Figure 12-4 Sample Standard Line Group Usage Report
Fri, Apr 6, 1995 4:42 pm
06/06/95 15hr-16hr --- minutes interval --- Group = 1
LINE 1:0:0 HOUR=14 00-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 TOTAL USAGE
SECONDS 10 40 200 50 300 8 %
CALLS 1 1 10 2 14
LINE 1:0:1 HOUR=14 00-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 TOTAL USAGE
SECONDS 5 100 40 70 215 6 %
CALLS 1 2 3 4 10
LINE 1:0:2 HOUR=14 00-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 TOTAL USAGE
SECONDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 %
CALLS 0 0 0 0 0
LINE 1:0:3 HOUR=14 00-14 15-29 30-44 45-59 TOTAL USAGE
SECONDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 %
CALLS 0 0 0 0 0
Reading the Line Group Usage Report
The report heading shows the date and time that the report was run.
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