Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94 manual Format Key and Picture Shape, More TV Features

Models: L75-A94

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121. Basic Setup and Operation

Basic TV Operation, continued

The FORMAT Key and Picture Shape

Press the FORMAT key to cycle through picture shapes for the current image. The TV will remember the format you last used on each input.

For more on TV formats and signal types, see the supplemental Owner’s Guide at


Black bars at the edges of the screen are common in HD pictures. Black bars are not a defect of the TV.

Sample Uses of the FORMAT Key

You can use the FORMAT key to display the image as originally intended or to reduce or eliminate black areas at the edges.


High-definition signal with

Wide Expand mode stretches

squarish 4:3 image embedded.

the picture sideways to fill the

The image is narrower than the


16:9 screen; unused areas at


the sides are filled with black.


Broadcasters add black bars to fill the 16:9 screen area while preserving the original aspect ratio of older material not created for modern HD TVs.

Your cable box, satellite receiver, or other device may also have controls for altering the shape of the broadcast picture. If your device offers output in native format, try using it with the TV picture formats.


Standard 2.35:1 anamorphic DVD image; unused areas at the top and bottom are filled with black (letterbox effect).

Zoom mode. The picture fills the screen. All four edges are cropped in this mode.

More TV Features

See the supplemental Owner’s Guide at more on these and other topics.

Parental controls (Lock menu). Requires first setting a pass code.

TV Clock (Setup > Clock menu). Set the TV Clock if you plan to use the TV Timer, ChannelView channel listings, or the TV’s Lock by Time feature.

Changing input names in the Input Selection menu (Inputs > Name menu)

Viewing digital camera images

HDMI (CEC) control of other A/V devices

Using the TV with a computer

For assistance call 1(877) 675-2224

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Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94 manual Format Key and Picture Shape, More TV Features