Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94 manual Remote Control, Tools Key and Menu

Models: L75-A94

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81. Basic Setup and Operation

Remote Control

Sleep Timer, page 19



Number/letter keys


Powers TV on or off.

Channel tuning, page 8





Pass-code entry



TOOLS key shortcuts, this page



Adds a separator in digital channel numbers. Clears some menu entries.


Mutes the TV speakers.


Displays shortcuts for the number keys.


Press to check if shortcuts are available


Returns to the previous channel.


In menus, steps back one menu.


Displays up to nine favorite


sources, page 19.

for the current device.

VOL Controls volume of TV speakers.

CH Changes channels; moves to another PAGE page in a menu or list.

ENTER Selects a channel number or menu item.

Navigation and adjustment controls

GUIDE ChannelView channel listings. Set the TV clock to receive correct updates.

INFO TV status or TV help (page 11)

(PAUSE) Freezes a broadcast TV picture






Changes picture shape, page 10

Connects to internet content, page 21.

Press to select a TV input, page 8.

Audio settings

Video settings

Displays or clears the TV main menu (page 12). Also steps back one menu.

Clears all menus and on-screen displays.

Playback controls for StreamTV inter- net services. May apply to compat- ible devices under HDMI control. See the supplemental Owner’s Guide at setup of HDMI control.

F1–F4.Function keys for some StreamTV internet services.

Mitsubishi on Apple Devices

Visit the iTunes store for a free app that turns your Apple iPhone, iPad, or iTouch into a second remote control for the TV.

The TOOLS Key and Menu

Press the TOOLS key to see the Tools menu. Press number keys to activate shortcuts. Your Tools menu may differ from the sample, depending on your setup.

Shortcuts specific to the current device are in the third column.

Shortcuts may be available for a CEC-enabled device. See the supplemental Owner’s Guide at

Picture shortcuts Sound shortcuts


Device-Specific Shortcuts Availability varies, depend- ing on equipment features and setup.

3CC. Turns closed captions on/off (ANT input only)

Sample Tools menu

For assistance call 1(877) 675-2224

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Mitsubishi Electronics L75-A94 manual Remote Control, Tools Key and Menu