8 - 6
8.5.3 ParametersWhen using the gain changing function, always set " 4 " in parameter No.2 (auto tuning) to choosethe manual mode of the gain adjustment modes. The gain changing function cannot be used in the autotuning mode.
ation Name Unit Description
6 PG1 Position control gain 1 rad/s
36 VG1 Speed control gain 1 rad/s
Position and speed gains of a model used to set the response
level to a command. Always valid.
34 GD2 Ratio of load inertia moment to
servo motor inertia moment 0.1
35 PG2 Position control gain 2 rad/s
37 VG2 Speed control gain 2 rad/s
38 VIC Speed integral compensation ms
Control parameters before changing
61 GD2B Ratio of load inertia moment to
servo motor inertia moment 2 0. 1
times Used to set the ratio of load inertia moment to servo motor
inertia moment afte r changing.
62 PG2B Pos ition contro l gain 2 chang ing
ratio %Used to set the ratio (%) of the after-changing position
control gain 2 to position control gain 2.
63 VG2B Speed control gain 2 changing
ratio %Used to set the ratio (%) of the after-changing speed control
gain 2 to speed control gain 2.
64 VICB Speed integral compensation
changing ratio %Used to set the ratio (%) of the after-changing speed integral
compensation to speed integral compensation.
65 CDP Gain changing selection Used to select the changing condition.
66 CDS Gain changing condition kpps
Used to set the changing condition values.
67 CDT Gain changing time constant ms You can set the filter time constant for a gain change at