3 - 30
(b) Speed selection 1 (SP1), speed se lection 2 (SP2) and speed command va lue
Choose any of the speed settings made by the internal speed commands 1 to 3 using speed selection
1 (SP1) and speed selection 2 (SP2) or the speed setting made by the analog speed command (VC).
(Note) External input signals
SP2 SP1 Speed command value
0 0 Analo g speed command (VC)
0 1 Internal spee d command 1 (parameter No. 8)
1 0 Internal spee d command 2 (parameter No. 9)
1 1 Internal spee d command 3 (parameter No. 10)
Note. 0: off
1: on
By making speed selection 3 (SP3) usable by setting of parameter No. 43 to 48, you can choose
the speed command values of analog speed command (VC) and internal speed commands 1 to 7.
(Note) External input signals
SP3 SP2 SP1 Speed command value
0 0 0 Analog speed command (VC)
0 0 1 Internal speed command 1 (parameter No. 8)
0 1 0 Internal speed command 2 (parameter No. 9)
0 1 1 Internal speed command 3 (parameter No. 10)
1 0 0 Internal speed command 4 (parameter No. 72)
1 0 1 Internal speed command 5 (parameter No. 73)
1 1 0 Internal speed command 6 (parameter No. 74)
1 1 1 Internal speed command 7 (parameter No. 75)
Note. 0: off
1: on
The speed may be changed during rotation. I n this case , the value s set in par ameters No . 11 and
12 are used for acceleration/deceleration.
When the speed has been specified under any internal speed command, it does not vary due to the
ambient temperature.
(2) Speed reached (SA)
SA turns on when the servo motor speed has nearly reached the speed set to the internal speed
command or analog speed command.
Set speed selection Internal speed
command 1
Internal speed
command 2
Start (ST1,ST2)
Servo motor speed
Speed reached (SA)
(3) Torque limit
As in Section 3.4.1 (5).