12 - 2
12.2 Power supply equipment capacity and generated loss(1) Amount of heat generated by the s ervo amplifierTable 12.1 indicates servo amplifiers' power supply capacities and losses generated under rated load.For thermal design of an enclosure, use the values in Table 12.1 in consideration for the worstoperating conditions. The actual amount of generated heat will be intermediate between values atrated torque and servo off according to the duty used during operation. When the servo motor is run atless than the maximum speed, the power supply capacity will be smaller than the value in the table,but the servo amplifier's generated he at will not change.Table 12.1 Power supply capacity and generated heat per servo amplifier at rated output
(Note 2)
Servo amplifier-generated heat[W] Area required for heat dissipation
Servo amplifier Servo motor
(Note 1)
Power supply
capacity[kVA] At rated torque With servo off [m2] [ft2]
HC-KFS053 13 0.3 25 15 0.5 5.4
HC-MFS053 13 0.3 25 15 0.5 5.4
HC-UFS13 0.3 25 15 0. 5 5.4
HC-KFS23 0.5 25 15 0.5 5.4
HC-MFS23 0.5 25 15 0.5 5.4MR-J2S-20A(1)
HC-UFS23 0.5 25 15 0. 5 5.4
HC-KFS43 0.9 35 15 0.7 7.5
HC-MFS43 0.9 35 15 0.7 7.5MR-J2S-40A(1)
HC-UFS43 0.9 35 15 0. 7 7.5
HC-SFS52 1.0 40 15 0.8 8.6
HC-SFS53 1.0 40 15 0.8 8.6
HC-LFS52 1.0 40 15 0.8 8.6
HC-KFS73 1.3 50 15 1.0 10.8
HC-MFS73 1.3 50 15 1.0 10.8MR-J2S-70A
HC-UFS72 73 1.3 50 15 1.0 10.8
HC-SFS81 1.5 50 15 1.0 10.8
HC-SFS102 103 1.7 50 15 1.0 10.8MR-J2S-100A
HC-LFS102 1.7 50 15 1.0 10.8
HC-SFS121 2.1 90 20 1.8 19.4
HC-SFS201 3.5 90 20 1.8 19.4
HC-SFS152 153 2.5 90 20 1.8 19.4
HC-SFS202 203 3.5 90 20 1.8 19.4
HC-RFS103 1.8 50 15 1.0 10.8
HC-RFS153 2.5 90 20 1.8 19.4
HC-UFS152 2.5 90 20 1.8 19.4
HC-LFS152 2.5 90 20 1.8 19.4
HC-SFS301 4.8 120 20 2.7 29.1
HC-SFS352 353 5.5 130 20 2.7 29.1
HC-RFS203 3.5 90 20 1.8 19.4
HC-UFS202 3.5 90 20 1.8 19.4
HC-LFS202 3.5 90 20 1.8 19.4
Note 1. Note that the power supply capacity will vary according to the power supply impedance. This value assumes that the power
factor improving reactor is not used.
2. Heat generated during regeneration is not included in the servo amplifier-generated heat. To calculate heat generated by the
regenerative brake option, use Equation 13.1 in Section 13.1.1.