A - 5
(4) Usage
Provide an external emergency stop circu it to ensur e that o peratio n can be s topped an d power s witched
off immediately.
Any person who is involved in dis assembly and repair should be full y competent to do the work.
Before resetting an alarm, make sure that the run signal of the servo amplifier is off to prevent an
accident. A sudden restart is made if an alarm is reset with the run sign al on.
Do not modify the equipment.
Use a noise filter, etc. to minimize the influence of elec trom ag netic int erf erenc e, wh ich m a y be ca use d b y
electronic equipment used near the s ervo amplifier.
Use the servo amplifier with the spec ified servo motor.
Burning or breaking a servo amplif ier may cause a toxic gas. Do not bur n or break a servo amplifier.
The electromagnetic brake on the servo motor is designed to hold the motor shaft and should not be used
for ordinary braking.
For such reasons as service life a nd mechanica l structure (e.g. where a ballsc rew and t he servo m otor
are coupled via a timing belt), the electromagnetic brake ma y not hold the m otor sh aft. To ens ure saf ety,
install a stopper on the machine side.
(5) Corrective actions
When it is assumed that a hazardous c ondition m ay take plac e at the occur due to a po wer failure or a
product fault, use a servo motor with electromagn etic brake or an external brake m echanism for the
purpose of prevention.
Configure the electromagnetic brak e circuit so th at it is activa ted not only by the ser vo amplifier signals
but also by an external emergency stop ( EMG).
Contacts must be open when
servo-off, when an trouble (ALM)
and when an electromagnetic brake
interlock (MBR).
Electromagnetic brake
Servo motor
Circuit must be
opened during
emergency stop (EMG).
When any alarm has occurred, eliminate its c ause, ensure safety, and deactivate the alar m before
restarting operation.
When power is restored after an instantaneous po wer failur e, keep aw ay from the m achine b ecause the
machine may be restarted suddenl y (design the machine so that it is s ecured against hazard if restarted) .