114 Index
Media Cards 11
Media Card Slots 18
Media Setup Menu 88
Playback 87
Memorize Channels. See Channels
Memory Card Slots 18, 87
Audio 72, 107
MUTE key 14
Video Mute 77
Name Screen 47, 50
Add Device 48
Change Device 52
Connecting External Devices 22
Delete Device 52
Description 11
Device Control, reference chart 104
Device Setup Screen 43
Edit NetCommand Screen 48
Initial Setup 42
NetCommand Menu 67
Pre-Memorized Devices 39
Specialized Device Keys 106
On-Screen Information 107
PC 16, 17, 48, 55, 83
DVI Monitor Output 31
HDMI Monitor Output 31
Viewing 85
Peer-to-Peer Connection 61
PIP (Picture in Picture) 82
PIP Device Selection Menu 57
Playlist Menu, MP3 or WMA7 88
Power Devices On/Off 57
QV (QuickView™) 14
Recording Now 60, 68
Record To List 59
Record To Menu 59
Record To Setup 60, 68
Time-Delayed 60, 68
VCR Recording from an Antenna or Cable Source 62
Cancel Current Recordings 61, 69
Record List Screen 61, 69
Remote Control
and NetCommand® 39
Batteries 15
Functions 14
Programming 101
Programming Codes (reference chart) 101
Transport Buttons 67
A/V (all settings) 12
A/V Memory (for individual devices) 77
DVCR Counter 105
Lamp Reminder 66
PerfectColor 79
Remote Control 15
Reset Menu 19
System Reset Button 12, 19, 91
VCR Counter 104
Review Screen 44
RF Connection for Cable Screen 51
S-Video 28
Satellite Receiver 28
Search A/V Disc. See A/V Discs
Setup Menu 64, 65
Signal and Format Definitions 83
Speakers, TV 77
Specifications, TV 99
SQV (SuperQuickView™) 71
Status Indicator. See Indicator Lights
Stereo. See A/V Receiver
Time, Set 65, 66
Timer 66
Time Zone 66
Track List Screen 62
Transport Menu 67
Troubleshooting 90
TV Guide On Screen 11, 14, 16, 24, 61, 69
Setup 43
V-Chip 74, 75
Bypassing the V-Chip Lock 97
Definitions 75
Entry 74
Lock TV by Time 76
V-Chip Lock Menu 64, 74
Connecting 26, 27
Restrictions for Traditional VCRs 62
VCR for Recordings Screen 51
Video Inputs 16
Video Settings 79
Wall Outlet Cable 22, 24