9 - 6 MC65 User Guide

Power Profiles
To edit a power profile:
1. Tap Status Bar > .
2. Tap next to the current profile.
3. Tap next to a profile to edit or tap Create New to create a new profile.
Figure 9-2
Edit Profile Window
4. Edit or enter a new name for the profile in the text box.
5. For each radio, tap the name to toggle the value to On or Off.
Phone radio
6. Scroll down to view more options.
7. Tap the option to select each feature listed and select an available option.
Device timeout - Sets the amount of time after inactivity that the MC65 goes into suspend mode.
Backlight - Sets the amount of time after inactivity that the MC65 goes into suspend mode.
Brightness - Set the screen brightness to automatic or manual. If selecting manual, set the brigh tness level
using the slider.
ActiveSync - Set the amount of time that the MC65 checks for email and calendar ev ents.
ActiveSync Off - Set the amount of time that the MC65 checks for email and calendar events.
8. Tap Save.