Chapter 4 Using WLAN
WLANs allow the MC65 to communicate wirelessly inside a building. Before u sing the MC65 on a WLAN, the
facility must be set up with the required hardware to run the WLAN (sometimes k nown as infrastructure). The
infrastructure and the MC65 must both be properly configured to enable this com munication.
Refer to the documentation provided with the infrastructure (access points (APs), access ports, switche s, Radius
servers, etc.) for instructions on how to set up the infrastructure.
Once you have set up the infrastructure to enforce your chosen WLAN security scheme, u se the Fusion or
Wireless Zero Config (WZC) software to configure the MC65 to match.
Fusion Overview
The Fusion software contains applications with which to create wireless profiles. Each profile specifie s the security
parameters to use for connecting to a particular WLAN as identified by its ESSID. Th e Fusion software also allows
the user to control which profile out of a set of profiles is used to connect. Other Fusion applications allow the user
to monitor the status of the current WLAN connection and to invoke diagnostic tool s for troubleshooting.
To access Fusion, tap the Status Bar > .
Figure 4-1
Status - Fusion Tab