Making Calls 3 - 11

To call a person by name:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
2. Say “Call Michael Archer.” System responds with “Call Michael Archer work, is it correct?”
3. Say “Yes.” MC65 responds with “Dialing.”
To call a person at a location:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
2. Say “Call Mary Smith at home.” The MC65 responds with “Call Mary Smith home, is i t correct?”
3. Say “Yes.” The MC65 responds with “Dialing.”
To call a person with more that one phone number:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
2. Say “Call Alex Jordan.” The MC65 responds with “Call Alex Jordan, home, wor k, mobile or cancel?”
3. Say “Home.” The MC65 responds with “Dialing.”
If two people have similar names:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.
2. Say “Call Halley Johnson.” The MC65 responds with “More than one Halley Johnson, please select.
3. Select the contact intended to call.
To look up contact information:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.
2. Say “Find Mary Smith.” The MC65 responds with “Mary Smith home 555555 1212."
To look up a specific number:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
2. Say “Find Michael Archer at work.” The MC65 responds with “Michael Arche r, work, 5555551212."
If two contacts have similar names:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
NOTE Voice Commander automatically maintains a maximum of 2000 contacts in the recognition database. To
change this setting, see Contacts Settings on page 9-18.
If the command can not be recognized, Voice Commander prompts “Please say again.” This situation
could happen under the noisy environment, or when user says command before Voice Commander
starts recording. After hearing the prompt “Say Command”, user sh oul d w ai t o ne to two seconds to speak
the command.
The recognizable contact length is 48 characters. Contacts exceeding 48 characters will be ignored.