9 - 14 MC65 User Guide
7. Tap the Try to get e-mail settings automatically from the Internet checkbox to place a checkmark in the
Tap Next to attempt to retrieve these settings automatically. This process may take several minutes. The MC65
attempts to determine the necessary communication settings for both incoming and outgoing emai l messages.
8. If the MC65 was able to automatically retrieve the necessary settings, tap Next.
If the MC65 was unable to obtain the settings automatically, tap Next and proceed to step 8 in Entering Em ail
Settings Manually on page 9-14.
9. In the Your name: field, enter the name that displays in the From field on outgoing messages.
10. In the Account display name: field enter a name for the new email account.
This name appears within the list of available email accounts on the E-mai l page.
11. Tap Next.
12. Tap the Automatic Send/Receive: field and select the time interval you would like for the MC65 to send and
check for new email messages.
13. Tap the Review all download settings link for additional download settings and options. See Editing an Email
Account on page 9-16 for more details.
14. Tap Finish.
Manual Email Setup
If the Automatic configuration was unsuccessful, or if accessing an ac count using a VPN server connection,
contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) or network administrator for the follo wing information and enter it
Account type (IMAP4 or POP3)
Incoming and outgoing mail server names
Username and password
Domain name
Special security settings (if used).
For more information about configuring email accounts, go to:
www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/help/smartphone/default.mspx or www.windowsmobile.com/getstarted
Entering Email Settings Manually
1. Start > E-mail.
2. Tap Setup E-mail.
3. In the E-mail address: field, enter the email address for the account.
4. In the Password: fields and the password for the account.
NOTE For some common email types, the MC65 automatically dete ct s a nd configures the email settings without
performing this step.