Settings 9 - 19
Application SettingsThe Application tab lists all the applications installed in the Start menu. When a new application installed, Voi ce
Commander automatically updates the recognition database.
A check in a box indicates that the application can be recognized norm ally. An unchecked box indicates that the
application is not in the recognition range. A grayed box indicates that the application name contains some
unrecognizable characters, such as symbols or marks. The user can build a voice tag to enable it.
Tap to hear the pronunciation of an application.
Voice Tag
The user can record a voice tag for selected applications to enhance usability and accuracy. ind icates that the
voice tag is built.
To record a voice tag:
1. Select an application.
2. Tap .
3. After the beep, say the application name. For example: File Explorer.
4. After the second beep, repeat it.
5. Voice Commander builds the recorded voice tag.
6. Voice Commander plays back the recorded voice tag to confirm the voice tag has been created successf ully,
and appear s to the right of the contact name.
Music SettingsThe Music tab lists all the music files found on the MC65. When a media file is downloaded, Voice Commander
automatically updates the recognition database.
A check in a box indicates that the music file can be recognized norm ally. An unchecked box indicates that the
music file is not in the recognition range. A grayed box indicates that the music file name contains some
unrecognizable characters, such as symbols or marks. The user can build a voice tag to enable it.
Tap to hear the pronunciation of an application.
Voice Tag
The user can record a voice tag for selected music file to enhance usab ility and accuracy. in dicates that the
voice tag is built.
To record a voice tag:
1. Select a music file.
NOTE Tap again rebuild the voice tag. Tap to delete the voice tag.