Making Calls 3 - 13
What time is itTo find out the time of day:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
2. Say “What time is it?” The MC65 responds with “The time is 3 p.m.”
Call HistoryTo view the call history window:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
2. Say “Call History.”The MC65 responds with “Call history.”
3. The Call history page displays.
Voice Play MusicTo play a specific music file:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
2. Say “Play The Moment.” The MC65 responds with “The Moment.”
3. Windows Media starts to play “The Moment.”
To play all music files:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
2. Say “Play music.” The MC65 responds with “Play music.”
3. Windows Media starts to play all music files.
To play a different music file during playing of another:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
2. Say “Next.” The MC65 responds with “Next.”
3. Windows Media starts to play next music file.
To pause or resume a playing music file:
1. Initiate Voice Commander. The MC65 responds with “Say command.”
2. Say “Pause” or “Resume.” The MC65 pauses or resumes the playing music.
NOTE User can say “Pause” or “Resume” to control music playing. The command “Resume” only works when
Windows Media is running. The commands “Previous” and “Next” only work when playing all music files.
Voice Commander only supports media files with.mp3 and.wma format. Voice Commander supports the
music files in Playlists or Media files synched by Active Sync, in My Documents and its subfolder or on the
microSD card and its subfolders.