2 - 14 MC65 User Guide
SD Card - Lists the total available memory and the amount of memory that is currently bei ng used.
RAM - Lists the total available RAM and the amount of RAM that is currently being used .
Tap View Large Files to display files on the MC65 that are a bove a specific byte size.

Sound Profiles

The Sound Profiles tab provides direct access to sound-related profiles.
Figure 2-17
Sound Profiles Tab
To select a profile, tap the profile name.
Vibrate - Ring type, reminder and notifications are s et to vibrate. Ring and system volumes are set to 0 (off).
Silent - Ring type, reminder and notifications are set to None. Ring and system volumes are set to 0 (off).
Schedule - Ring type, reminder and notifications are set to vibrate when Calendar meetin g is in session.
Normal - Ring type is set to Ring, Reminder is set to Vibrate & Sound, Noti fication is set to Play Sound. Ring
and system volumes are set to level 4.
Loud - Ring type is set to Vibrate & Ring, Reminder is set to Vibrate & Sound, Notification is set to Vibrate &
Sound. Ring and system volumes are set to level 5.
Ambient - Profile settings are set based on the surrounding environment’s sound level.
The Temporary profile is created when changes are made by the system, for example: the user adjust the volume
using the volume buttons.
Refer to Sound Profiles on page 9-5 for information on creating new sound profiles .