Glossary - 6 MC55 User Guide
Open System Authentication. Open System authentication is a null authentic ation algorithm.
PAN . Personal Area Network. Using Bluetooth wireless technology, PA Ns enable devices to communicate wirelessly.
Generally, a wireless PAN consists of a dynamic group of less than 255 devices that communicate within about a 33-foot
range. Only devices within this limited area typically participate in the networ k.
PING. (Packet Internet Groper) An Internet utility used to determine whethe r a particular IP address is online. It is used to
test and debug a network by sending out a packet and waiting for a response.
QWERTY. A standard keyboard commonly used on European keyboards. “QWERTY” refers to the arrangement of keys on
the top row of keys.
QWERTZ. A standard keyboard commonly used on German keyboards. “QWERTZ” refers to the arrangement of keys on
the top row of keys.
RAM. Random Access Memory. Data in RAM can be accessed in random o rder, and quickly written and read.
RF. Radio Frequency.
ROM. Read-Only Memory. Data stored in ROM cannot be changed or removed.
Router. A device that connects networks and supports the required protocols for packet filtering. Routers are typically used
to extend the range of cabling and to organize the topology of a network into su bnets. See Subnet.
Scanner. An electronic device used to scan bar code symbols and produce a digitiz ed pattern that corresponds to the bars
and spaces of the symbol. Its three main components are: 1) Light source (laser or p hotoelectric cell) - illuminates a bar
code,; 2) Photodetector - registers the difference in reflected light (more li ght reflected from spaces); 3) Signal
conditioning circuit - transforms optical detector output into a digitized bar pattern.
SDK. Software Development Kit
Shared Key. Shared Key authentication is an algorithm where both the AP and the MU share an authentication key.