Glossary - 5

LASER. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.The laser i s an intense light source. Light from a laser is
all the same frequency, unlike the output of an incandesce nt bulb. Laser light is typically coherent and has a high ener gy
laser scanner. A type of bar code reader that uses a beam of laser light.
LCD. See Liquid Crystal Display.
LED Indicator. A semiconductor diode (LED - Light Emitting Diode) used as an indicator, o ften in digital displays. The
semiconductor uses applied voltage to produce light of a certain frequency determined by the semiconductor's particular
chemical composition.
Light Emitting Diode. See LED.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). A display that uses liquid crystal sealed between two gla ss pla tes . Th e cryst als ar e ex cite d
by precise electrical charges, causing them to reflect light outside according to their bias. They use little electricity and
react relatively quickly. They require external light to reflect their informati on to the user.
MC. Mobile Computer.
MDN. Mobile Directory Number. The directory listing telephone number that is dialed (generally using POTS) to reach a
mobile unit. The MDN is usually associated with a MIN in a cellular telephon e -- in the US and Canada, the MDN and
MIN are the same value for voice cellular users. International roaming consider ations often result in the MDN being
different from the MIN.
MIN. Mobile Identification Number. The unique account number associated with a cellular device. It is broadcast by the
cellular device when accessing the cellular system.
Mobile Computer. In this text, mobile computer refers to the MC65. It can be set up to run as a stand-alone device, or it can
be set up to communicate with a network, using wireless radio technology.
Nominal. The exact (or ideal) intended value for a specified parameter. Tole rances are specified as positive and negative
deviations from this value.
NVM. Non-Volatile Memory.