Entering Names
When the display shows Alpha or Press §, you can use the keypad to produce any letter in the alphabet. Use the letters printed on the key as a guide. For example, press ¤to enter the letters “A,” “B,” or “C” as shown:
press 1 time to insert an "A" press 2 times to insert a "B" press 3 times to insert a "C"
press 4 times to insert a "2"
To enter a name into the Phone Book:
1.Enter Press a key as many times as necessary to
Letter enter a letter. The next letter on the key will appear with each press.
Toggle Press q or z to switch between upper and
Case lowercase.
2.Advance After each character, press »to advance
Cursor the cursor to the next space.
Clear | Press Ç to erase a letter if you make |
Letter | a mistake. |
Back | Press « to move the cursor backward if |
Space | you would like to insert a letter earlier in the |
| sequence. |
3.Enter Press ⁄to scroll through the available
Marks | punctuation marks: <space> 1 . @ / : ' |
,? ! - _ # * " $ % & + ; = \ ( ) < > [ ].
4.Finish Enter up to 24 letters, including spaces.
Storing Press a when you are finished. Your phone will confirm the entry by displaying the information stored.
Using Memory