Checking Your Voicemail*

When you receive Voicemail, your Service Provider sends a notification to your phone and your phone displays an indicator. That way, you will be able to check for new Voicemail simply by glancing at your phone’s display.

1.Enter Press øto open the Messaging Menu.


2.Select Press qor Zto scroll to Voice Mail and Voicemail press a to select.

If you have one or more Voicemail messages, you will see:

12:30pm 09/30/00

You Have

Voicemail Press SND to

To listen to your messages, dial your access number. Your phone will do this automatically with one keypress.


When viewing notifications, press æ or


press & hold a to call your Voicemailbox.

Keep in mind: Some Service Providers send the Voicemailbox number to your phone automatically. If the number has not been sent, then store it in location 98 of your Phone Book. To learn how, see Pause Dialing on page 48.

If you have no new messages, you will see:



* Network and service dependent feature. Not available in all areas.


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Motorola V8162 specifications Checking Your Voicemail, If you have one or more Voicemail messages, you will see, Dial