Figure 4-16 Time Cache Options Dialog Box
1. Tap the Interval radio button to check credentials at a set time interval.
2. Enter the value in minutes in the Min box.
3. Tap the At (hh:mm) radio button to check credentials at a set time.
4. Tap Next. The At Time dialog box appears.
Figure 4-17 At Time Dialog Box
5. Enter the time using the 24 hour clock format in the (hh:mm) box.
6. Tap > to move the time to the right. Repeat for additional time periods.
7. Tap Next. The User Name dialog box displays.
User Name
The user name and password can be entered (but is not required) when the profile is created. When a profile
authenticates with credentials that were entered in the profile, caching rules do not apply. Caching rules only apply
on credentials that are entered through the login dialog box.
Figure 4-18 Username Dialog Box