4 - 34 VC5090 Vehicle Computer Product Reference Guide
Tap Save to save the settings or tap X to discard any changes.
Regulatory OptionsUse the Regulatory settings to configure the country the vehicle computer is in. Due to regulatory requirements
(within a country) a vehicle computer is only allowed to use certain channels.
Figure 4-46 Regulatory Options Dialog Box
Band SelectionThe Band Selection settings identify the frequency bands to scan when finding WLANs. These values refer to the
802.11 standard networks.
Table 4-24 OP Mode Filtering Options
Field Description
AP Networks Select the AP Networks check box to display available AP networks and their signal
strength within the Available WLAN Networks (see Find WLANs Application on page
4-4). These are the APs available to the vehicle computer profile for association. If
this option was previously disabled, refresh the Available WLAN Networks window to
display the AP networks available to the vehicle computer.
AD-Hoc Networks Select the Ad-Hoc Networks check box to display available peer (adapter) networks
and their signal strength within the Available WLAN Networks. These are peer
networks available to the vehicle computer profile for association. If this option was
previously disabled, refresh the Available WLAN Networks window to display the Ad
Hoc networks available to the vehicle computer.
Table 4-25 Regulatory Options
Field Description
Settings Select the country from the drop-down list. To connect to a profile, the profile country must
match this setting, or the AP country setting if you selected the Enable 802.11d check box.
Enable 802.11d The WLAN adapter attempts to retrieve the country from APs. Profiles which use
Infrastructure mode can only connect if the country set is the same as the AP country
settings or if the profile country setting is Allow Any Country. All APs must be configured to
transmit the country information.