Using Bluetooth 5 - 19

Bluetooth Settings
Use the BTExplorer Settings window to configure the operation of the BTExplorer application. Tap Tools > Settings.
The BTExplorer Settings window appears.

Device Info Tab

Use the Device Info tab to configure the vehicle computer’s Bluetooth connection modes.
Figure 5-25 BTExplorer Settings - Device Info Tab

Services Tab

Use the Services tab to add or delete Bluetooth services.
Device Name Displays the name of the vehicle computer.
Discoverable Mode Allows you to set the vehicle computer to be discoverable by other Bluetooth devices or not
be discoverable.
For security reasons, the default is set to
Non Discoverable
Connectable Mode Allows you to set the vehicle computer to be connectable by other Bluetooth devices or not
be connectable.
For security reasons, the default is set to
Non Connectable
NOTE For security reason, by default services are not enabled.