8 - 8 MC17 Product Reference Guide
Well-known WLAN Connection Mode
This mode works only on supported Motorola WLAN adapters. The RD Client attempts to configure and establish
WLAN IP connections using pre-defined Motorola WLAN settings. If the RD Client is able to successfully configure
and establish such a connection, and if an On-Demand Profile Server is running on a host computer that is on the
same subnet that is accessible from the connection, then Electronic Staging proceeds using that connection.
To perform On-Demand Staging:
1. In the App Launcher menu, press the center function key to launch the RD Client. The Scan Barcodes To Deploy
window displays.
Figure 8-10
Waiting for Bar Codes
2. Press the left function key to select Options. The Main Menu window appears.
Figure 8-11
RD Client Main Menu
3. Use the up/down arrow keys to select Search Network and then press the center function key. The SEARCHING
NETWORKS window appears.