Operating the VC5090 3 - 7
To display the Microsoft SIP keyboard, tap the Input Panel icon in the task tray and sel ect Keyboard from the
pop-up menu.
Figure 3-9
Microsoft Soft Input Panel Keyboard
To display the VC5090 SIP keyboard, tap the Input Panel icon in the task tray and select either VC5090 Soft
Input Panel or AZERTY Input Panel from the pop-up menu.
Figure 3-10
Input Panel Pop-up Menu
Figure 3-11
QWERTY VC5090 Soft Input Panel Keyboards - Normal Size
Figure 3-12
AZERTY VC5090 Soft Input Panel Keyboards - Normal Size
Tap the Enlarge or Reduce Keyboard button to scale the keyboard. The three sizes are small, normal and large
with normal being the default size.
To hide or show the numeric keys tap the Alpha-Numeric Toggle button.
Enlarge Keyboard
Reduce Keyboard
Alpha-Numeric Key
Toggle Button
Numeric Key
Toggle Button
Enlarge Keyboard
Reduce Keyboard
Alpha-Numeric Key
Toggle Button
Numeric Key
Toggle Button