Adjusting the radio transmission power level enables the user to expand or confine the transmission area with
respect to other wireless devices that could be operating nearby. Reducing coverage in high traffic areas improves
transmission quality by reducing the amount of interference in that coverage area.
Figure 4-27 Transmit Power Dialog Box (Infrastructure Mode)
Figure 4-28 Transmit Power Dialog Box (Ad-Hoc Mode)
Tap Next to display the Battery Usage dialog box.
Table 4-16 Transmit Power Dialog Box (Infrastructure Mode)
Field Description
Automatic Select Automatic (the default) to use the AP power level.
Power Plus Select Power Plus to set the vehicle computer transmission power one level higher than
the level set for the AP.
Table 4-17 Power Transmit Options (Ad-Hoc Mode)
Field Description
Full Select Full power for the highest transmission power level. Select Full power when operating in
highly reflective environments and areas where other devices could be operating nearby, or
when attempting to communicate with devices at the outer edge of a coverage area.
30 mW Select 30 mW to set the transmit power level to 30 mW.
15 mW Select 15 mW to set the transmit power level to 15 mW.
5 mW Select 5 mW to set the transmit power level to 5 mW.
1 mW Select 1 mW for the lowest transmission power level. Use this level when communicating with
other devices in very close proximity, or in instances where you expect little or no radio
interference from other devices.