Glossary - 4 VC5090 Vehicle Computer Product Reference Guide

LED Indicator. A semiconductor diode (LED - Light Emitting Diode) used as an indicator, often in digital displays. The
semiconductor uses applied voltage to produce light of a certain frequency determined by the semiconductor's particular
chemical composition.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). A display that uses liquid crystal sealed between two glass plates. The crystals are excited
by precise electrical charges, causing them to reflect light outside according to their bias. They use little electricity and
react relatively quickly. They require external light to reflect their information to the user.
Light Emitting Diode. See LED.
MDN. Mobile Directory Number. The directory listing telephone number that is dialed (generally using POTS) to reach a
mobile unit. The MDN is usually associated with a MIN in a cellular telephone -- in the US and Canada, the MDN and
MIN are the same value for voice cellular users. International roaming considerations often result in the MDN being
different from the MIN.
MIN. Mobile Identification Number. The unique account number associated with a cellular device. It is broadcast by the
cellular device when accessing the cellular system.
NVM. Non-Volatile Memory.
ODI. See Open Data-Link Interface.
Open Data-Link Interface (ODI). Novell’s driver specification for an interface between network hardware and higher-level
protocols. It supports multiple protocols on a single NIC (Network Interface Controller). It is capable of understanding
and translating any network information or request sent by any other ODI-compatible protocol into something a NetWare
client can understand and process.
Open System Authentication. Open System authentication is a null authentication algorithm.
PAN . Personal area network. Using Bluetooth wireless technology, PANs enable devices to communicate wirelessly.
Generally, a wireless PAN consists of a dynamic group of less than 255 devices that communicate within about a 33-foot
range. Only devices within this limited area typically participate in the network.
Parameter. A variable that can have different values assigned to it.