About This Publication
This User's Guide provides the information necessary to install and configure Bus- Tech's PCI ESCON Adapter (PBSA) to connect a Server to an IBM Mainframe.
The following terms are used as synonyms for the PCI ESCON Adapter in this publication and in some software installation screens:
ESCON adapter
Who Should Use This Publication
This publication is intended for the system administrator of a server responsible for configuring the server to communicate with an OS/390, MVS, VM, or DOS/VSE mainframe.
How to Use This Publication
This publication is organized into distinct chapters. Refer to those chapters specific to completing the task(s) you are performing
What is Included in This Publication
This User's Guide contains the following chapters:
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION - This chapter gives an overview of the PCI ESCON Adapter implementation, and provides a list of reference documentation.
CHAPTER 2. HARDWARE INSTALLATION - This chapter details installation of the PCI ESCON Adapter.
CHAPTER 3. DRIVER INSTALLATION - This chapter details installation of the adapter drivers for Microsoft's Windows 2000 Server and Windows NT Server.
CHAPTER 4. ESCON CONFIGURATION – This chapter details configuration of the PCI ESCON Adapter for the ESCON environment of the mainframe.
CHAPTER 5. TCP/IP Direct Connect – This chapter covers installation and configuration of TCP/IP Direct Connect software.
About This Publication iii