MultiFRAD 3000-Series User Guide
Changing the Phone Directory Database
The phone directory database defines each FRAD Phone Number in your MultiFRAD network. To access this database you would click on the Phone Book button in the Main MultiFRAD menu. You can add, delete, or edit any entry in the database.
The Station Phone Number window displays the Phone Numbers that are reachable from this voice gateway, and the Station Information group displays the details of that phone number.
To add a phone number, click Add(+) in the Phone Directory Database dialog box and the Add/Edit Phone Entry dialog box is displayed. Assign the new Phone Number, then add a Description (optional), select the Voice Channel number and type the DLCI number is the fields provided. When done, click OK and the Station Phone Number dialog box is displayed.
To change or delete an existing phone number, highlight the number in the Station Phone Number window and click on either the Edit or
The MultiFRAD phone number does not have to be a conventional telephone number; for example, it does not have to be