Chapter 4 - MultiFRAD Software
WAN Port Setup
The WAN Port Setup dialog box controls how the port is configured (i.e., frame relay or point-to- point). If the WAN port is configured for frame relay, then the mode of the port is synchronous. If the port is configured for point-to-point, then the mode can be either synchronous or asynchronous. If the mode is asynchronous, then the connection method can be either answering or dialing. If the connection method is dialing, then a number to be dialed has to be entered in the dial number field and the modem type chosen in this field.
If the Frame Relay Device Driver is chosen, the MultiFRAD encapsulates data on its composite link for transmission over a frame relay network. Enabling this device driver requires additional frame relay configuration by choosing the Frame Relay button in the Main Menu.
If the PPP/SLIP mode is chosen, the MultiFRAD is configured for a point-to-point configuration which allows for communication between two sites without using a frame relay network. Enabling this device driver allows for either an asynchronous or synchronous device to be connected between two sites. If an asynchronous device is choosen, the Asynchronous Mode is enabled and the Baud Rate needs to be set. When the Asynchronous Mode is enabled, the Connection Method group is activated with the Direct Connect/Leased Line and Answering options enabled. If the Asynchronous device is using a dial up connection, and you are initiating the communications, you need to enable the Dialing option and enter the number to be dialed in the Dial Number field.