Feed Pump Strainer Cleaning
The strainer is incorporated in the feed pump inlet side joint bolt. Clean the strainer with compressed air and rinse it in the fuel oil.
Flushing Out Radiator and Replacing Coolant
1.Open both cocks located at the crankcase side and at the lower part of the radiator and drain coolant. Open the radiator cap while draining. Remove the overflow tank and drain.
2.Check hoses for softening and kinks. Check clamps for signs of leakage.
3.Flush the radiator by running clean tap water through radiator until signs of rust and dirt are removed. DO NOT clean radiator core with any objects, such as a screwdriver.
4.Tighten both cocks and replace the overflow tank.
5.Replace with coolant (see page 44, Table 14 for mixture).
6.Close radiator cap tightly.
Allow engine to cool when flushing out radiator. Flushing the radiator while hot will damage radiator.