National Instruments Corporation G-1 FieldPoint FP-3000 User Manual
GlossaryPrefix Meanings Value
m- milli- 10–3
M- mega- 106
% percent
° degrees
0x precedes a hexadecimal number
bank The combination of one FieldPoint network module and one or more
terminal bases and I/O modules.
C Celsius
CISPR International Special Committee On Radio Interference
EMI electromagnetic interference
FTP file transfer protocol
HotPnP Hot Plug and Play
Hz hertz
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
I/O input/output
LAS Link Active Scheduler
LED Light-emitting diode
Link Active Scheduler The Fieldbus device that is currently controlling access to the Fieldbus
OPC OLE for Process Control
POST power-on self test
RAM random-access memory
VDC Volts direct current