Chapter 4 Block Reference
National Instruments Corporation 4-11 FieldPoint FP-3000 User Manual
Actual ModeAn indicator of the current mode of execution of the device. This is a
read-only parameter. Normally, the actual mode of the block is equal to the
target mode of the block. However, configuration errors or other conditions
can cause it to differ from the target mode.
Remote Cascade Remote Cascade and Automatic. For
more information on Remote Cascade
operation, refer to the section Fault State
and Mode Shedding in Appendix D,
Advanced Function Block Behavior.
Remote Output Remote Output and Automatic. For more
information on Remote Output operation,
refer to the section Fault State and Mode
Shedding in Appendix D, Advanced
Function Block B ehavior .
Table 4-6. Actual Modes
Mode (in descending
priority) Meaning
Out of Service
O/S (0x80) The block is idle and does not execute. If the
resource block is out of service, all other
blocks in the device are also out of service.
Initialization Manual
IMan (0x40) The upstream block in a cascade loop is
preparing to enter Auto mode. This mode
cannot be set as a target mode. It is used
internally by control blocks as they establish
cascade loops.
Local Override
LO (0x20) The block’s faultstate or interlock capability is
causing the block to override its normal output
value. This mode cannot be set as a target
Man (0x10) The output of the block is set by an operator
through a write to the output parameter. No
block processing other than writing to the
I/Ochannel is performed.
Table 4-5. Target Modes (Continued)
Desired Mode Bit Set in Target Mode