Chapter 4 Block Reference
FieldPoint FP-3000 User Manual 4-12
National Instruments Corporation
Permitted Mode
A list describing the modes into which the block may be target. For
example, in order to set a Target mode of Manual, the Manual mode bit
must be set in the Permitted mode field. The Permitted mode field also
has an effect on the way output blocks shed modes. For a description of
mode shedding, refer to Appendix D, Advanced Function Block Behavior.
Normal Mode
The block’s normal mode of operation is stored in the Normal field. This
field is not used internally by the device, but is a guide for an operator.
Auto (0x08) The block operates normally with a setpoint
specified manually through a write to the
setpoint parameter.
Cas (0x04) The block operates normally with a setpoint
specified automatically through a connection
from an upstream block to the CAS_IN
(cascade input) parameter. Before the block
can enter this mode, the cascade is initialized
automatically to avoid windup.
Remote Cascade
RCas (0x02) The block operates normally with a setpoint
specified automatically through a write from a
host computer to the RCAS_IN (remote
cascade input) parameter. Before the block
can enter this mode, the cascade is initialized
automatically to avoid windup.
Remote Output
ROut (0x01) The output of the block is set manually
through a write to the ROUT_IN parameter. No
block processing other than writing to the I/O
channel is performed. Before the block can
enter this mode, the cascade is initialized
automatically to avoid windup.
Table 4-6. Actual Modes (Continued)
Mode (in descending
priority) Meaning