Chapter 4 Block Reference
FieldPoint FP-3000 User Manual 4-14
National Instruments Corporation
FIELDPOINT_CHANNELThe FieldPoint I/O channel the block has been assigned to. Writing to this
parameter updates the CHANNEL parameter appropriately.
FP-3000 determines the CHANNEL parameter automatically based on the
not need to set the CHANNEL parameter.
FIELDPOINT_MODULEThe FieldPoint I/O module containing the channel the block has been
assigned to. FieldPoint modules are numbered, starting with one, at the
I/O module closest to the FP-3000.
FP_AI_100_RANGEAllows the range of a channel on a FieldPoint FP-AI-100 to be adjusted.
FP_AI_110_RANGEAllows the range of a channel on a FieldPoint FP-AI-110 to be adjusted.
FP_AI_111_RANGEAllows the range of a channel on a FieldPoint FP-AI-111 to be adjusted.
Table 4-9. Execution Statistics
Statistic Description
EXEC_COUNT The number of times the block executed
since the statistics were last reset.
EXEC_MISS_COUNT The number of times the block failed to
execute as scheduled since the statistics
were last reset.
STALE_COUNT The number of times the block received
stale data since the statistics were last reset.
EVENT_COUNT The number of events logged since the
statistics were last reset.
RESET_TIME_STAMP The time the statistics were last reset.