NI 4070/4072 Calibration Procedure 58
To finish the calibration and close the session, go to the Completing the
Adjustment Procedures section.

Completing the Adjustment Procedures

To complete the adjustment procedure for the NI 4070/4072 and close the
session, call niDMM_CloseExtCal with the following parameter:
Action = NIDMM_EXTCAL_ACTION_SAVE if the results of the
calibration were satisfactory and you want to save the new calibration
coefficients to the EEPROM.
Action = NIDMM_EXTCAL_ACTION_ABORT if the results of the
calibration were unsatisfactory and you want to restore the original
calibration coefficients to the EEPROM.
Verification Limits
This section includes the verification limits for DC voltage, AC voltage,
4-wire resistance, 2-wire resistance, DC current, AC current, and frequency
for the NI 4070/4072, and the verification tolerances for capacitance on the
NI4 072. Compare these limits to the results you obtain in the Verification
Procedures section.
Note Use the values in the 24-Hour Limits column for a post-adjustment verification only.
Otherwise, use the values in the 2-Year Limits column.
Limits in the following tables are based upon the February 2007 edition of the
NI40 70/4072 Specifications. Refer to the most recent NI 4070/4072 specifications online
at If a more recent edition of the specifications is available, recalculate
the limits based upon the latest specifications.

DC Voltage

Table 15. NI 4070/4072 DC Voltage Verification Limits
Amplitude Range Input Resistance
2-Year Limits 24-Hour Limits
Lower Upper Lower Upper
0V 1V >10GΩ/10 MΩ–6 μV 6μV–2 μV 2 μV
0V 10V >10GΩ/10 MΩ–60 μV60 μV–20 μV20 μV
0V 100V 10MΩ–600 μV600 μV–200 μV200 μV
0V 300V 10MΩ–6 mV 6mV –1.8mV 1.8 mV
100mV 100mV >10 GΩ/10 MΩ0.099994 V 0.100006V 0.099998V 0.100002 V