©NationalInstruments Corporation G-11 NI6013/6014 User Manual
tppulse period
TRIG trigger signal
trigger anyevent that causes or starts some form of data capture
tsc sourceclock period
tsp sourcep ulse width
TTL transistor-transistorlogica digital circuit composed of bipolar transistors
wired ina certain manner
twpulse width
twoscomplement givena number xexpressedinbase2withndigitsto the left of the radix
point, the (base 2) number 2nx
UI update interval
UISOURCE update intervalcounter clock sig nal
update theoutput equivalent of a scan. One or more analog or digital output
samples. Typically,the number of output samples in an update is equal to
the number of channels in the output group. For example,one pulse from
theupdate clock produces one update which sends one new sample to every
AOchannel in the group.
update rate the number of output updates per second
V volts
VCC positivesupply voltage
VDC voltsdirect current
VIH volts,input hig h
VIL volts, input low