NI6013/6014 User Man ual G-2
ADC analog-to-digital converteranelectronic device, often an integrated
circuit, that convertsan analog voltage to a digital number
AI analog input
AIGATE AIgate signal
AIGND AIg round signal
AISENSE AIsense signal
ANSI AmericanNational Standards Institute
AO analog output
AOGND AO ground signal
baseaddress amemory addressthat s ervesas the starting addressfor programmable
registers.All other addresses are located by adding to the base address.
bipolar asignal range that includes both positive and negative values (for example,
BC buffered counter
bus thegroup of conductors t hatin terconnect individualcircu itry in a computer.
Typically,a bus is the expansion vehicle to which I/O or other devices are
connected.Examples of PCbuses are the ISA and PCI bus.
CalDAC calibration DAC
CH channelpinor wire lead towhich you apply or from whichyou read the
analogor digital signal. Analog signals can be single-ended or differential.
Fordigital signals, you group channels to form ports. Ports usually consist
ofeither four or eight digital channels.