NI6013/6014 User Man ual G-10
SC scan counter
scan oneor more analog or digital input samp les. Typically,the number of input
samplesin a scan is equal to the number of channels inthe input group. For
example,one pulse from the scan clock produces one scan which acquires
one newsample from everyAI channel in the group.
scanclock theclock controlling the time interval between scans
settling time the amount of time required for a voltageto reach its final value within
SI scan interval
SI2 sampleinterval
signal conditioning the manipulation of signals to prepare them for digitizing
SISOURCE SI counter clock signal
softwaretrigger ap rogrammed eventthat triggers an event such as data acquisition
SOURCE source signal
STARTSCAN start scan signal
STC systemtiming controller
TTC terminalcount—the highest value of a counter
tgh gate hold time
tgsu gate setup time
tgw gatepu lse width
THD totalharmonic distortion—the r atio of the total rms signal due to harmonic
distortion to the overallrms signal, in d ecibel or a percentag e
toff pulse off
tout output delay time