Chapter3 HardwareOverview
NI6013/6014 User Man ual 3-6
Programmable Function Inputs
The 10 PFIpins are connected to the signal routing multiplexer f or each
timingsignal, and software can select any PFI pin as the external source for
agiven timing signal. It isimportant to note that any of the PFI pins can be
used asan in put by any of the timing signals and that multiple timing
signalscan simultaneously use the same PFI. This flexible routing scheme
reducesthe need to change physical connections to the I/O connector for
different applications.
Touse the PFI pins as outputs, you must use the Route Signal V I or the
SelectSignal VI to individually enable each of the PFI pins to output a
specificinternal timing sig nal. Forexample, if you need the UPDATE*
signalas an output on the I/O connector, softwaremust tu rnon t heo utput
driverfor the PFI5/UPDATE* pin.