Chapter4 ConnectingSignals
©NationalInstruments Corporation 4-3 NI6013/6014 User Manual
Table4-2. SignalDescriptions for I/O Connector Pins
SignalName Reference Direction Description
AIGND AnalogInput GroundThese pins are the bias current
returnpoint for AI measurements. Refer to Figure 4-3
forrecommended connections. All three ground
referencesAIGND,AOGND,and DGNDare connected
onthe device.
ACH<0..15> AIGND Input AnalogInput Channels 0 through 15Each channel pair,
ACH<i, i+8> (i= 0..7), can be configured as either one
differentialinput or two single-ended inputs.
AISENSE AIGND Input AnalogInput SenseThis pin serves as the reference node
forany of channels ACH<0..15> in NRSE configuration.
AISENSEmust be connected to AIGND directly or to an
externalground reference for single-ended measurements.
Invalidrandom readings result if AISENSE is left
unconnectedwhen using NRSE mode. Refer to Figure 4-3
forrecommended connections.
DAC0OUT1AOGND Output Analog Channel 0 OutputThis pin supplies the voltage
outputof AO channel 0.
DAC1OUT1AOGND Output Analog Channel 1 OutputThis pin supplies the voltage
outputof AO channel 1.
AOGND AnalogOutputGroundThe AO voltages are referenced to
thisnode. All three ground referencesAIGND, AOGND,
andDGNDare connected on the device.
DGND DigitalGroundThis pin supplies the reference for the
digitalsignals at the I/O connector as well as the +5 VDC
supply.All three ground referencesAIGND, AOGND,
andDGNDare connected together on the device.
DIO<0..7> DGND Input
DigitalI/O SignalsDIO6 and 7 can control the up/down
signalof general-purpose counters 0 and 1, respectively.
+5V DGND Output +5VDC SourceThesepinsarefusedforupto1Aof
+5V supply. The fuse is self-resetting.
SCANCLK DGND Output ScanClockThis pin pulses once for each A/D conversion
inscanning mode when enabled. The low-to-high edge
indicateswhen the input signal can be removed from the
inputor switched to another signal.
EXTSTROBE* DGND Output ExternalStrobeThisoutput can betoggled under software
controlto latch signals or trigger events on external devices.