Chapter4 ConnectingSignals
©NationalInstruments Corporation 4-3 NI6013/6014 User Manual
Table4-2. SignalDescriptions for I/O Connector PinsSignalName Reference Direction Description
AIGND — — AnalogInput Ground—These pins are the bias current
returnpoint for AI measurements. Refer to Figure 4-3
forrecommended connections. All three ground
references—AIGND,AOGND,and DGND—are connected
onthe device.
ACH<0..15> AIGND Input AnalogInput Channels 0 through 15—Each channel pair,
ACH<i, i+8> (i= 0..7), can be configured as either one
differentialinput or two single-ended inputs.
AISENSE AIGND Input AnalogInput Sense—This pin serves as the reference node
forany of channels ACH<0..15> in NRSE configuration.
AISENSEmust be connected to AIGND directly or to an
externalground reference for single-ended measurements.
Invalidrandom readings result if AISENSE is left
unconnectedwhen using NRSE mode. Refer to Figure 4-3
forrecommended connections.
DAC0OUT1AOGND Output Analog Channel 0 Output—This pin supplies the voltage
outputof AO channel 0.
DAC1OUT1AOGND Output Analog Channel 1 Output—This pin supplies the voltage
outputof AO channel 1.
AOGND — — AnalogOutputGround—The AO voltages are referenced to
thisnode. All three ground references—AIGND, AOGND,
andDGND—are connected on the device.
DGND — — DigitalGround—This pin supplies the reference for the
digitalsignals at the I/O connector as well as the +5 VDC
supply.All three ground references—AIGND, AOGND,
andDGND—are connected together on the device.
DIO<0..7> DGND Input
DigitalI/O Signals—DIO6 and 7 can control the up/down
signalof general-purpose counters 0 and 1, respectively.
+5V DGND Output +5VDC Source—Thesepinsarefusedforupto1Aof
+5V supply. The fuse is self-resetting.
SCANCLK DGND Output ScanClock—This pin pulses once for each A/D conversion
inscanning mode when enabled. The low-to-high edge
indicateswhen the input signal can be removed from the
inputor switched to another signal.
EXTSTROBE* DGND Output ExternalStrobe—Thisoutput can betoggled under software
controlto latch signals or trigger events on external devices.