AppendixA Specifications
NI6013/6014 User Man ual A-2 ni.com
FIFObuffer size ......................................512samples
Data transfers..........................................DMA, interrupts,
programmed I/O
DMA modes ...........................................Scatter-gather
(Single transfer, demand transfer)
Numberof DMA channels .....................11
Configurationm emory size....................512 words
Accuracy InformationTransferCharacteristicsRelative accuracy....................................±1.0 LSB typ, ±3.0 LSB max
DNL........................................................±0.5 LSB typ, ±1.0 LSB max
Nomissing codes ....................................16 bits, guaranteed
Pregain error after calibration..........±2.0 µVmax
Pregain errorbefore calibration.......±28.8 mV max
Postgain error after calibration........±305 µVmax
Postgain errorbefore calibration .....±40.2 mV max
1TheNI 6013/6014 has one DMA channel to be shared by all resources on the device.
AbsoluteAccuracy RelativeAccuracy
%of Reading Offset
Noise+ Quantization
Drift Resolution(µV)
24Hours 1Year (µV) SinglePt. Averaged (%/°C) SinglePoint Averaged
±10 0.0658 0.0700 1897.5 933.0 82.40 8.984 0.0010 1084.90 108.49
±5 0.0158 0.0200 959.8 466.5 41.20 2.003 0.0005 542.45 54.245
±0.5 0.0658 0.0700 115.8 56.2 5.035 0.471 0.0010 66.299 6.630
±0.05 0.0658 0.0700 31.4 31.40 3.067 0.069 0.0010 40.382 4.038
Note:Accuracies are valid for measurements after calibration. Averaged numbers assume dithering and averaging of 100 single-channel
readings.Measurement accuracies are listed for operational temperatures within ±1 °C of internal calibration temperatureand ±10 °Cof
externalor factory calibration temperature.