Chapter4 ConnectingSignals
NI6013/6014 User Man ual 4-26
Figure4-18. STARTSCANOutput Signal Timing
The CONVERT*pulses are masked off until the device generates the
STARTSCANsignal. If you are using internally generated conversions,
the firstCONVERT* appears when the onboard sample interval counter
(SI2)reaches zero. If you select an external CONVERT*, the first external
pulseafter STARTSCANgenerates a conversion. The STARTSCANpulses
should be separated by at least one scanp eriod.
A counter on the NI 6013/6014 internally generates STARTSCANunless
you selectsome externalsource. This counter is started by the TRIG1
signalan d is stopped either bysoft wareor by the sample counter.
Scansgenerated by either an internal or external STARTSCAN signal are
inhibitedunless they occur within a DAQ sequence.Scans occurring w ithin
aDAQ sequence may be gated by either the hardware(AIGATE) signal or
softwarecommand register gate.
a.Start of Scan
Start Pulse
b.Scan in Progress, TwoConversions per Scan
toff= 10 ns minimum toff