Chapter3 HardwareOverview
NI6013/6014 User Man ual 3-2 ni.com
Analog InputThe AI section of the NI 6013/6014 is software configurable.
The followingsections describe in detail each AI setting.
Input Mode
The NI 6013/6014 has two input modes—nonreferenced single-ended
(NRSE) mode and differential (DIFF) mode. NRSE mode provides up to
16 channels. DIFF input mode provides up to eight channels. Input modes
are programmed on a per channel basis form ultimode scanning.
For example, you can configure the circuitry to scan 12 channels—four
differentially configured channelsand eight single-ended channels.
Table 3-1 describes the two input modes.
Fordiagrams showing the signal paths of the twoconfigurations, refer to
the Connecting Analog Input Signals section of Chapter 4, Connecting
Table3-1. Available Input Modes
Mode Description
DIFF A channel configuredin DIFF mode uses two AI
lines. One line connects to the positive input of
the programmable gain instrumentation amplifier
(PGIA)on the device,and the other connects to
the negativeinput of the PGIA.
NRSE A channel configuredin N RSE mode uses one AI
line, which connects to the positiveinput of the
PGIA. The negativeinput of the PGIA connects to
AIsense (AISENSE).