AppendixA Specifications
©NationalInstruments Corporation A-3 NI6013/6014 User Manual
Gain error (relative to calibration reference)
Aftercalibration (gain = 1)............. ±74 ppm of reading max
Before calibration........................... ±18,900 ppm of reading max
Gain ≠1 with gain error
adjustedto 0 at gain = 1 ................. ±300p pmof reading m ax
Amplifier CharacteristicsInput impedance
Normalpowered on ........................ 100 GΩin parallel with 100 pF
Poweredo ff..................................... 820 Ω
Overload..........................................820 Ω
Inputbias current................................... ±200 pA
Inputoffset current .................................±100 pA
CMRR (DC to 60 Hz)
Gain0.5, 1.0 ....................................85 dB
Gain10, 100 ....................................96 dB
Dynamic CharacteristicsBandwidth
Settling time for full-scale step
Gain100 ..........................................±2 LSB, 5 µstyp
Gain1, 10 ........................................±2 LSB, 5 µsmax
Gain0.5 ...........................................±4 LSB, 5 µstyp
System noise (LSBrms, including quantization)
Signal Bandwidth
Small(–3dB) 425 kHz
Large(1% THD) 450 kHz
Gain LSBrms
0.5, 1.0 0.9
10 1.1
100 6.7