AppendixC CommonQuestions
NI6013/6014 User Man ual C-2
Howdo I use the NI 6013/6014 with the C API in NI-DAQ?
TheNI-DAQ User Manual for PC Compatibles contains example code and
describes the general programming flow when using the NI-DAQC API.
Fora list of function s that support the NI 6013/6014, refer to the NI-DAQ
Function ReferenceHelp (NI-DAQ version 6.7 or later) or the NI-DAQ
Function ReferenceManual for PC Compa tibles (NI-DAQversion 6.6 or
Refert o the NI-DAQ User Manual for PC
Compatibles,and refer to to download the version of
NI-DAQthat your application requires.
Installing and Configuring the Device
Howdo I set the base address for the NI 6013/6014?
The basea ddress of the NI 6013/6014 is assigned automatically through
the PCI busprotocol. This assignment is completely transparent to you.
Whatjumpers should I beaware of when configuring the
NI 6013/6014?
The NI 6013/6014 is jumperless and switchless.
WhichNI document should I read first to get started using DAQ
The DAQQuick Start Guide and the NI-DAQ or ADE release notes
documentation are good placesto start.
Whatversion o f NI-DAQmust I have to use the NI 6013/6014?
The NI 6013/6014 requires NI-DAQversion 6.9.3 or later.
Whati s the best way to test the NI 6013/6014 without programming
the device?
Ify ou are using Windows,Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)
has a TestPanel option that is available by selecting Devices and
Interfacesand then selecting the device. The Test Panelsare excellent tools
for performing simple functional tests of the device, such as AI, DIO, and
counter/timer tests.